OUR sisters today have grown up in difficult times Where a large rear shaped membrane is seen with gravity and worthy than others. Because it happenedTHEY scarcely Concerned with various tools to make them appear big bottoms. there are medications to promote the pills or injections, there are ALSO clothes containing sponge to the hips, and there squeezes the hips at an angle like this sister Had done. You see outside is dangerous sister on hips, BUT it kayabana to yavimbe middle and appear more serious and more to attract people.sisters are very active. The current world inavyoenda membrane. BUT in reality Many Men yearn for women with big hips, BUT quite Honestly, and not dove crave love, These pigeons with big hips are quickly set them Sexually aroused Males than Those thinness and men think to keep pigeons holding the reins n Such a period of tinkering meat for sex. BUT to marry a turtle is rare Because Many consider not only dialup Grows he owns, BUT there are other Possibilities and THEY Whelped the wife, So Many Ordinary marry only with the bottoms Of These end up tinkering Until THEY with the men find themselves elderly
Published on
7:13 AM
International News

Hali ya maisha imekuwa ngumu kwa kijana huyu Abdallah Omar umri wake ni miaka 17, ana kipaji cha uandishi wa script za movie, akapata nafasi kukutana na Geah Habib wa ‘Leo Tena’ @CloudsFM ambaye alimkutanisha pia kijana huyu na Zamaradi Mketema ambaye anafanya show inayohusu movie, “Take One” kwenye Clouds TV.
Baadaye kijana huyu alimtafuta tena Geah
na kumuelezea matatizo yake ya kifamilia hali ambayo ilimfanya aamue
kuuza figo yake ili aweze kukabiliana na changamoto alizonazo.
Kijana huyo amesimulia kwamba aliwahi
kwenda Hospitali ya Amana na kuonana na daktari, baada ya kumueleza nia
yake ya kuuza figo daktari alimweleza matatizo ambayo yangeweza kumpata
kijana huyo akitoa figo yake kwa umri wake.
Timu ya ‘Leo Tena’
imemuahidi kumsaidia kijana huyo kumkutanisha na watu walio kwenye
industry ya movie ili atumie talent yake ya uandishi wa script kupata
kipato badala ya kuuza figo.
Kama ulipitwa na hii iko hapa, bonyeza play uisikie yote.
Published on
7:12 AM

Ushindi wa akina Sam Smith na wengineo kupata tuzo huenda isiwe story kubwa kwa leo, tukio la kuanguka kwa mwanamuziki mkongwe Madonna limezungumziwa zaidi, hii imetokea bahati mbaya wakati mwanamama huyo akifanya show na dancers wake kwenye stage.
Tukio la kuanguka halikuathiri kitu kwenye show ya mama huyo, aliinuka na kuendelea kufanya show yake.
Baadaye staa huyo
ambaye ana umri wa miaka 56 aliandika ujumbe wa mashabiki wake kupitia
Instagram kuwa hali yuko poa na ajali aliyoipata kwenye stage ilikuwa ni
bahati mbaya, kwenye video inaonyesha alikuwa amevaa nguo ndefu ambayo
huenda ilikuwa ivutwe ili aivue wakati akiwa anapanda ngazi lakini nguo
hiyo ilikuwa imekazwa sana shingoni hivyo haikuvuka kirahisi kama
A photo posted by Madonna (@madonna) on
Published on
7:10 AM

Kama ulikuwa mbali na radio yako kwa bahati mbaya ukapitwa na story za kwenye 255 ziko hapa kwa ajili yako, staa wetu TZ Jokate Mwegelo
ambaye mwaka jana ni moja ya mastaa ambao milango ya neema ilifunguka
upande wao kwa kusaini deal ya kukuza biashara zake amesema mafanikio
yalikuwa makubwa kutokana na mapokezi mazuri ya bidhaa zake sokoni.

Moja ya aina ya ndala ambazo zinauzwa na #Kidoti
Jokate alianza kwa kuuza nywele za kike na zenye brand name ya ‘Kidoti’,
baadaye akaingia mkataba ambao umeongeza bidhaa nyingine sokoni TZ
ikiwemo ndala ambazo zinapatikana kwa bei ambayo amesema haizidi
shilingi elfu kumi.

Nikki Mbishi
Baada ya watu wengi kuongelea ishu ya Nikki Mbishi
kutangaza kuacha muziki ameamua kurudi rasmi na kuachia ngoma yake mpya
ambayo itatoka wiki ijayo na baada ya hapo kutakuwa na tour yake ya
kimuziki kwenye maeneo mbalimbali TZ.
Nuh Mziwanda akiwa na mpenzi wake, Shilole.
Nuh Mziwanda ameomba
radhi kutokana na picha ambayo aliiweka kwenye ukurasa wake wa
Instagram, watu wakatoa comment ambazo anahisi kwamba walielewa vibaya
picha hiyo, Nuh amesema sababu ya
kuweka picha hiyo ilikuwa kama kuwatangazia fans wake kwamba kuna video
ya wimbo mpya inakuja na picha hiyo ilikuwa ni sehemu ya behind the scene ya video hiyo.
Arsenal boss Arsen Wenger has blasted Olivier Giroud after the misfiring striker misses six chances in surprise 3-1 home defeat to Monaco in the Champions League last-16 on Wednesday night.
“I felt he had an off night tonight.” Wenger said.
“He missed easy chances and it looked like it was not one of his best days.”
The French international was subbed on the hour mark for Theo Walcott after wasting six chances.
Published on
6:18 AM
Published on
6:16 AM
Love Stories

Kukosa hamu ya kujamiiana ni tatizo linalowasumbua wengi nchini. Ni maradhi kwa upande mwingine yanayosababisha ugumba na hata mifarakano na kuvunjika kwa ndoa.
Masanja na mke wake Saumu wameishi kwenye ndoa kwa miaka kumi sasa. Hapo awali, kila kitu kilikuwa sawa katika uhusiano wao, lakini katika miaka ya karibuni, Masanja amekuwa hana matamanio tena na Saumu; hana hamu kabisa ya tendo la ndoa.
Tatizo hili limekuwa likiwaathiri watu wengi hapa nchini na hata duniani kote. Haliwaathiri wanaume pekee kama ilivyo kwa Masanja, bali hata wanawake nao hukumbwa na tatizo hilo.
Utafiti uliofanyika nchini Uingereza , Ulaya na Marekani, ukijumuisha wanawake wa rika zote, ulibaini kuwa asilimia kati ya 30 na 50 ya wanawake wanakumbwa na tatizo la kukosa hamu ya kujamiiana.
Wakati huo utafiti huo ukiweka bayana hilo kutokana na tatizo la uzazi au kukoma kwa hedhi, tafiti nyingne zinaonyesha kuwa karibu robo tatu ya wanawake hawafikii kilele cha tendo hilo au wanapata maumivu.
Wataalamu wa afya wanaeleza kuwa kukosa hamu ya tendo la ndoa kunatibika, iwapo hatua muhimu na za msingi zitachukuliwa.
Ni vyema kufika mapema katika huduma za afya ukiwa na mwenza wako kwa ajili ya uchunguzi na matibabu.
Nini suluhisho la kukosa hamu ya kujamiiana
Kwanza kabisa, inashauriwa kitaalamu kubadilisha mfumo wa maisha kwa mfano, kubadili ratiba za kazi, matembezi au ratiba za wenza.
Kingine ni kufanya mazoezi mara kwa mara kwa sababu mazoezi huongeza ufanisi, lakini pia kupunguza uzito na humfanya mtu kuwa na umbile zuri, furaha na kuongeza ufanisi wakati wa kujamiiana.
Kupunguza msongo wa mawazo kwa kukubali kwamba tatizo lipo baina ya wanandoa na hivyo kutafuta suluhu pamoja na kuacha ugomvi. Matatizo ya kimaisha lazima yatafutiwe ufumbuzi.
Kufanya mazoezi ya misuli ya kiuno kwa kufanya kama unazuia mkojo wakati unahisi haja ndogo na kuhesabu kutoka moja hadi tano, baada ya tano pumzika na halafu rudia. Haya mazoezi (kegel exercise) huongeza uwezo wa kujamiiana kwa wanawake
Kubadilisha mfumo wa maisha kwa wapenzi
Zungumza na mwenza wako – Malumbano na matatizo ni vitu vya kawaida katika uhusiano wowote, ni vizuri kwa wenza kukaa pamoja na kuzungumza matatizo yao, kuwa wa kweli, waaminifu, kuaminiana, kujaliana na kuzungumza juu ya tendo la ndoa kwa pamoja.
Ni vizuri kila mmoja kuainisha vitu anavyopenda na asivyopenda kufanyiwa wakati wa kujamiiana. Pale inapotokea mmoja hajapendezwa au kufurahishwa na uwajibikaji au ufanisi wa mwenzie basi hana budi kutumia lugha nzuri kutafuta kiini cha tatizo na kulitafutia ufumbuzi.
Weka mazingira mazuri na muda wa kufanya tendo la ndoa na mwenza wako ili mpate kudumisha uhusiano wenu.
Ongeza msisimko katika uhusiano wenu kwa kujaribu aina au staili mbalimbali wakati wa kujamiiana, kubadilisha muda wa kufanya mapenzi (sio usiku tu hata asubuhi, mchana) au sehemu tofauti na ile mliyoizoea wakati wa kufanya mapenzi (sio kila siku kitandani).
Kupata ushauri nasaha kutoka kwa wataalamu wa mambo ya uhusiano, ndoa na hata madaktari wa magonjwa ya akili kwani hawa ni weledi zaidi katika kazi yao.
Tiba ya dawa
Kutibu ugonjwa ambao ni kiini cha tatizo hili – Kisukari, magonjwa ya moyo, magonjwa ya zinaa nk.
Daktari kumbadilishia mgonjwa dawa zinazosababisha madhara kama ya msongo wa mawazo na sonona.
Kutibu tatizo la sonona na wasiwasi.
Kutumia dawa au vilainishi vya ukeni wakati wa tendo la ndoa kwa wale wanaopata maumivu au kupunguza uke kuwa mkavu au kuwasha.
Tiba ya vichocheo (homoni)
Dawa za kitaalamu za kuongeza hamu au nguvu atakuandikia daktari baada ya kufahamu kiini cha tatizo. Haishauriwi kutumia bila ushauri wa daktari kwani dawa hizi zina madhara.
Ikumbukwe ya kwamba vyakula hivi sio tiba mbadala bali husaidia tu kupunguza ukubwa wa tatizo hili la kupungua au kukosa hamu ya kujamiiana na kuboresha kwa wale ambao hawana tatizo hili na hivyo kudumisha uhusiano.
Kitunguu swaumu – Kitunguu swaumu kina kemikali ambayo huongeza mzunguko wa damu kwenda kwenye uume, huongeza hamu ya kufanya mapenzi na utolewaji wa mbegu za kiume.
Habat al soda – Mafuta, mbegu, au unga wa habat soda kama wengi wanavyoiita na ambazo zimetumika kwa miaka mingi sana kupunguza tatizo hili na waandishi wengi wa tiba ya nguvu za kiume wameeleza umuhimu wake. Tumia kidogo kwenye chai au maji ya uvuguvugu mara mbili kila siku. Mbegu hizi hupatikana kwa wingi katika nchi za asia kama Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Dubai (UAE), na hata Misri, Tanzania-maeneo ya pwani hupatikana.
Giligilani – Hii huchochea hamu ya tendo la ndoa kutokana na uwepo kwa wingi wa kichocheo aina ya androsterone.
Ndizi – kuwepo kwa wingi kwa kimeng’enyo aina ya ‘bromelain’ na madini ya potashiam, huongeza msisimko wa tendo kwa wanaume. Potassium pia hupatikana kwenye tikiti maji ambalo pia lina kemikali aina ya ‘arginine’ ambayo huongeza wingi wa damu katika mishipa ya damu na hivyo kusaidia katika kusimika kwa uume.
Parachichi – Huwa na kiwango kikubwa cha madini ya folic acid ambayo huvunjavunja protini. Vitamini B6 kwenye parachichi huchochea kutengeza vichocheo vya kiume kwa wingi.
Mayai – Mayai yana kiwango kikubwa sana cha vitamini aina ya B5 na B6, ambazo husaidia kuleta usawa wa viwango vya vichocheo mwilini na kupunguza msongo wa mawazo.
Nyanya – Zina kiwango kikubwa cha virutubisho aina ya bio-active phyto-nutrients, lycopene, na beta carotene ambazo husaidia kuleta damu kwa wingi kwenye uume na hivyo kusaidia kusimika kwa uume
‘Chocolate’ – Ina kiwango kikubwa cha kemikali ambazo huongeza hamu ya tendo.
Vitamin A – Husaidia katika kuweka usawa wa vichocheo vya mapenzi. Vyakula venye wingi wa vitamin hii ni pamoja na karoti, maini,tikiti maji, spinach, maziwa nk.
Vitamin B complex – Huongeza kiwango cha kichocheo cha testerone ambacho husaidia katika kuongeza ufanisi wa tendo la ndoa kwa wanaume na wanawake. Vitamini B complex hupatikana kwa wingi kwenye ndizi, viazi tamu, lentils mboga za majani, parachichi, mayai, samaki aina ya jodari (tuna), bata mzinga, maini nk.
Mdalasini na Asali– Mchanganyiko wa vitu hivi viwili husaidia sana katika kuongeza ufanisi kwa wale wenye tatizo hili.
Published on
5:40 AM
Kama wewe ni Muumini/mlokole usiziangalie picha hizi na ishia hapa hapa!....huyu ni msaidizi wa BOSS ..na inasemekana Boss wake ni mwanaume KAMILI...sasa jiulize wanaishi vipi hapo OFISINI

Published on
5:17 AM

Katika pitapita zangu nimefanikiwa kumnasa live Salama Jabir akinyonyana ndimi bila chenga na mwenzake…!!
Nashindwa kuthibitisha huyo wa pili ni nani na ni jinsia gani….nikimwangalia haraka haraka naona kama ni mwanaume na namfananisha na mdogo wake Wema Sepetu
aitwaye Bill Sepetu…..
Salama jabili mara kadhaa amekuwa akipritendi kuwa mgumu na kujifananisha na mwaume kimavazi ila upande wa pili wa shiringi wakati wa kwichi..kwichi.. lazima alegeee... chezea utamuuweee!!....
Katika pitapita zangu nimefanikiwa kumnasa live Salama Jabir akinyonyana ndimi bila chenga na mwenzake…!!
Nashindwa kuthibitisha huyo wa pili ni nani na ni jinsia gani….nikimwangalia haraka haraka naona kama ni mwanaume na namfananisha na mdogo wake Wema Sepetu
aitwaye Bill Sepetu…..
Salama jabili mara kadhaa amekuwa akipritendi kuwa mgumu na kujifananisha na mwaume kimavazi ila upande wa pili wa shiringi wakati wa kwichi..kwichi.. lazima alegeee... chezea utamuuweee!!....
PICHA ZOTE ZIKO HAPA NA STORI NZIMA..................Kajol Khan: Binti anayecheza, kula na kulala na Nyoka aina ya Cobra maisha yake yote
Published on
5:15 AM
International News
Licha ya watu kuwaogopa wanyama mbalimbali hata wadudu lakini Binti mwenye asili ya kihindi Kajol Khan amejenga urafiki na nyoka aina ya Kobra ambao anashinda nao kula nao hata kulala nao,Binti huyo anadai huwa anaumia sana pindi rafiki zake hao wanapo mng'ata mwenyewe.
Most children are scared to death of snakes but one 11-year-old girl in India fearlessly refers to the scaly reptiles as her 'best friends'.
Kajol Khan from Ghatampur, Uttar Pradesh, India, continues to eat and sleep with the deadly animals despite receiving several potentially deadly venom-filled bites.
She said: 'I have a lot of fun with the cobras. It hurts when they bite me but sometimes it’s my own fault because I tease them. It’s quite funny.'

Come dine with me: Most children are scared to death of snakes but one 11-year-old Kajol Khan from India fearlessly refers to the scaly reptiles as her 'best friends'
Fearless: The Ghatampur resident continues to eat and sleep with the deadly animals despite receiving several potentially deadly venom-filled bites
Kajol's father, Taj Mohammad, now in his late fifties, has worked as Ghatampur's snake catcher for the past 45 years.
He has already passed on his skills to his eldest son Gulab, 31. But now it seems Kajol, the youngest, is keen to join the family business.
'I don’t like school,' she said. 'I much prefer working with the snakes.'
Her bond with the creatures - which stems from crawling around them as a baby - now means they are her favorite companions.
Indian 'snake girl' makes best friends with Cobras

Dangerous hobby: Kajol lies unconscious while her mother and father look on after a Cobra bit her on February 22, 2011

Runs in the family: Kajol's father, Taj Mohammad, now in his late fifties, has worked as Ghatampur's snake catcher for the past 45 years

Nature-lover: 'I don't like school,' the 11-year-old said, 'I much prefer working with the snakes'
Since her friendship with the killers began she has been bitten on her stomach, her cheeks and arm. She was seriously ill but made a full recovery.
'It hurts when they bite me but they don’t mean it,' she said. 'I get a little frightened when I see the blood but my father sorts me out.
He rushes into the forest and comes back with the medicine.'
Kajol's father is now famous in his region and is nicknamed Bhura (the snake-catcher). But he earns a measly £14 a job for catching the snakes from houses and shops in the area.
'We help people in the area and catch the snakes that have slipped into their homes,' Taj said.
'My father is a snake catcher, his father was a snake catcher. It’s our family business and we’re very proud of what we do.'

Center of attention: Local children gather to watch as Kajol walks down the street with a Cobra

Best of friends: Her bond with the creatures - which stems from crawling around them as a baby - now means they are her favorite companions

Wounded: Since her friendship with the killers began she has been bitten on her stomach, her cheeks and arm - she was seriously ill but made a full recovery
The medicine comes from the leaves of a wild plant, which remains top secret.
It gets mashed to a pulp and mixed with butter and black pepper. It is then eaten and rubbed on the wound. 'If the medicine is administered quickly enough it will save you,' Taj said. 'It has saved my life many times and it seems to work for Kajol too.
But Kajol's mother, Salma Bano, wishes her daughter would grow out of the snake-phase - especially since the youngster was expelled from school for taking her pets to class in her backpack.
'I want her to go to school like other children. If I had my own way I’d get rid of the snakes but she loves them and so I don’t want to break her heart,' said Salma.

Family act: Taj Muhammad (left) father of the snake girl, Kajol, and her brother Gulaab Mohammad

Still smiling: It is estimated that venomous snakes are responsible for fifty thousand deaths each year internationally
'She now refuses to study and will play with the snakes all day.
'I try to make her study at home but she keeps the snakes with her and gets distracted.'
Taj said: 'We don’t have many visitors. People don’t like our pet snakes so they stay away.
'We don’t mind so much, but it’s sad for Kajol. Children are too scared to come round and play with her. She’s just not like other children.'
Her worried mother added: 'She’ll find it hard to find a husband in the future if she doesn’t stop playing with the snakes.'
It is estimated that venomous snakes are responsible for fifty thousand deaths each year internationally.
Most children are scared to death of snakes but one 11-year-old girl in India fearlessly refers to the scaly reptiles as her 'best friends'.
Kajol Khan from Ghatampur, Uttar Pradesh, India, continues to eat and sleep with the deadly animals despite receiving several potentially deadly venom-filled bites.
She said: 'I have a lot of fun with the cobras. It hurts when they bite me but sometimes it’s my own fault because I tease them. It’s quite funny.'

Come dine with me: Most children are scared to death of snakes but one 11-year-old Kajol Khan from India fearlessly refers to the scaly reptiles as her 'best friends'
Fearless: The Ghatampur resident continues to eat and sleep with the deadly animals despite receiving several potentially deadly venom-filled bites
Kajol's father, Taj Mohammad, now in his late fifties, has worked as Ghatampur's snake catcher for the past 45 years.
He has already passed on his skills to his eldest son Gulab, 31. But now it seems Kajol, the youngest, is keen to join the family business.
'I don’t like school,' she said. 'I much prefer working with the snakes.'
Her bond with the creatures - which stems from crawling around them as a baby - now means they are her favorite companions.
Indian 'snake girl' makes best friends with Cobras

Dangerous hobby: Kajol lies unconscious while her mother and father look on after a Cobra bit her on February 22, 2011

Runs in the family: Kajol's father, Taj Mohammad, now in his late fifties, has worked as Ghatampur's snake catcher for the past 45 years

Nature-lover: 'I don't like school,' the 11-year-old said, 'I much prefer working with the snakes'
Since her friendship with the killers began she has been bitten on her stomach, her cheeks and arm. She was seriously ill but made a full recovery.
'It hurts when they bite me but they don’t mean it,' she said. 'I get a little frightened when I see the blood but my father sorts me out.
He rushes into the forest and comes back with the medicine.'
Kajol's father is now famous in his region and is nicknamed Bhura (the snake-catcher). But he earns a measly £14 a job for catching the snakes from houses and shops in the area.
'We help people in the area and catch the snakes that have slipped into their homes,' Taj said.
'My father is a snake catcher, his father was a snake catcher. It’s our family business and we’re very proud of what we do.'

Center of attention: Local children gather to watch as Kajol walks down the street with a Cobra

Best of friends: Her bond with the creatures - which stems from crawling around them as a baby - now means they are her favorite companions

Wounded: Since her friendship with the killers began she has been bitten on her stomach, her cheeks and arm - she was seriously ill but made a full recovery
The medicine comes from the leaves of a wild plant, which remains top secret.
It gets mashed to a pulp and mixed with butter and black pepper. It is then eaten and rubbed on the wound. 'If the medicine is administered quickly enough it will save you,' Taj said. 'It has saved my life many times and it seems to work for Kajol too.
But Kajol's mother, Salma Bano, wishes her daughter would grow out of the snake-phase - especially since the youngster was expelled from school for taking her pets to class in her backpack.
'I want her to go to school like other children. If I had my own way I’d get rid of the snakes but she loves them and so I don’t want to break her heart,' said Salma.

Family act: Taj Muhammad (left) father of the snake girl, Kajol, and her brother Gulaab Mohammad

Still smiling: It is estimated that venomous snakes are responsible for fifty thousand deaths each year internationally
'She now refuses to study and will play with the snakes all day.
'I try to make her study at home but she keeps the snakes with her and gets distracted.'
Taj said: 'We don’t have many visitors. People don’t like our pet snakes so they stay away.
'We don’t mind so much, but it’s sad for Kajol. Children are too scared to come round and play with her. She’s just not like other children.'
Her worried mother added: 'She’ll find it hard to find a husband in the future if she doesn’t stop playing with the snakes.'
It is estimated that venomous snakes are responsible for fifty thousand deaths each year internationally.
Published on
1:14 AM