Why Are Men So Difficult? The 8 Big Differences Between Men’s and Women’s Brains


men-woman-brainMany women find it incredibly difficult to understand men. What you ladies need to understand is that we are totally different, and instead of giving up, all of us should try to embrace the differences and accept each other for who we really are. Only then, we can use all of this knowledge to our advantage. The following article illustrates the differences between the sexes and explains how you
can use these differences to your advantage.

Modern science has allowed us to study the male and female brains and come up with conclusions as to why we are so different. This is mainly down to how our brains are structured, and that’s what this article is about. It will not teach you how to make him fall in love with you but it will show you why we are so different and as soon as you understand these differences and accept them as
Human Relationships:

 Women communicate much better than men, they focus on how to create a solution that works for the entire group, talking through issues, and utilizes non-verbal cues such as tone, emotion and empathy. Men on the other hand, tend to be more task oriented, less talkative and more isolated. Men have a hard time understanding emotions that are not spoken, while women tend to intuit emotions and emotional cues. These differences clearly explain why men and women sometimes have difficulty in communication and why men-to-men friendships look different from friendships among women.

What does this mean? If you ever had a conversation with a man and got deep into a subject but yet felt like you spoke a completely different language well, this is to blame. In your first steps to understanding men this is the first thing you need to comprehend, MEN ARE DIFFERENT. They are so different in fact that sometimes we can’t even communicate but, if you can try to lower yourself to our level of communication, which means vocalizing the majority of your emotions, you’ll have a much better chance at properly communicating with a man.
Now, I’m not telling you to vocalize absolutely everything that you’re feeling but when a man asks you if something is wrong and you say “Nothing” you need to understand that unless you actually TELL HIM what’s wrong, he won’t have the slightest clue. Sure, you’re best friends get you and maybe even your husband if you’ve been together for years but, the average guy or even your 2 year long boyfriend won’t. Lowering yourself down to our more simple way of communicating will only make life easier for all of us.

Left brain vs bothto process equally  hemispheres: Experts have proven that men process better in the left hemisphere while women tend well between the two hemispheres. This difference clearly shows why men are stronger with left-brain activities and approach problem solving from a task-oriented perspective while women typically solve problems more creatively and are more aware of feelings while communicating.
What does this mean? This task oriented approach means men think in the following manner when trying to solve a problem:  “In order to solve this problem I will need to get this done first, then this other thing, then this and then they all fit into place and get this done”. Multitasking? There’s no such thing as multitasking when it comes to men…This also explains why men get angry when you are multitasking (e.g talking to them and doing something else) because they simply can’t understand what you’re doing. This is another prime example that will get you closer to accepting just how different men are and proves why men are better in some jobs (programming, business) and women in others (teaching, caretaking).

Mathematical Abilities: An area in the brain called the inferior-parietal lobule (IPL) is typically significantly larger in men, especially on the left side, than in women. This is the section responsible with mathematical ability, and probably explains why men perform higher in mathematical tasks than do women. What’s even more interesting is that this area of the brain that was abnormally large in Einstein. The IPL also processes sensory information, and the larger right side in women allows them to focus on, “specific stimuli, such as baby crying in the night”.

Reaction to stress: In stress situation men have a response reaction that resembles “fight or flight” while women react with a “tend and befriend” strategy. Psychologist Shelly E. Taylor first came up with the phrase “tend an befriend” after noticing that during times of stress women tend to take care of themselves and their children (tending) and form strong group bonds (befriending). The reason behind these different reactions to stress is down to hormones. When someone is under stress the hormone oxytocin is released into the body. In men, testosterone reduces the effects of oxytocin as it is produced in high volumes during stress; this explains the reason for the “fight or flight” response. In women, estrogen amplifies the effects of oxytocin resulting in calming and nurturing feelings.

Language: The two sections in the brain which are responsible for language have been found to be significantly larger in women than in men, indicating one reason why women typically excel in language-based subjects and in language-associated thinking. It’s also important to mention that men typically process language in one hemisphere whilst women process it in both. This differences offers a bit of protection in case of a stroke, as women may  be able to recover fully from a stroke affecting the language areas in the brain while men maynot have this same advantage.

Emotions: The most obvious difference is probably the emotions. Women have a larger deep limbic system than men, it allows them o be more in touch with their feelings and better able to express themselves, which promotes bonding with others. This is one of the reasons why women serve as caregivers for children. Sadly this comes with a downside as this larger deep limbic system also opens women up to depression, especially during times of hormonal shifts such as after childbirth or during a woman’s menstrual cycle.

What does this mean? Again, as I’ve mentioned above, women are much better at communicating than men so, if you want to be understood by a man you need to lower yourself to his level of communication. Vocalize what you are feeling and he will have a much easier time in understanding you. Don’t give up saying, “ah men don’t understand me”, try to make them understand and you will see that your love life success will greatly improve.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that some men understand these differences themselves and will, in turn, try to take advantage of your emotional brain by making you feel good all of the time. Sure, this may sound great, but in reality many of the men that understand this concept, often use it for their own benefit (I know because I used to do it…). However, it’s also important to note that many of these men live to please and if you can “keep” them you’re on the right track for a lifetime of happiness.
*We’ll look into the types of men and how to keep them, in the newsletter.*

Brain Size: Typically, men’s brains are 11-12% bigger than women’s brains. Sadly, this difference in size has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence, but does explain the difference in size between men and women. Men need a bigger brain to control their bigger bodies and muscles.
Pain: Men and women perceive pain differently. Studies have shown that women need more morphine to reach the same level of pain reduction. They have also shown that woman vocalize their pain and seek treatment much quicker than men. 

During pain, an area of the brain called the amygdala is activated. Research has shown that in men the right amygdala (controls external functions) is activated and in women the left amygdala (controls internal functions) is activated. This is the reason women seem to perceive pain more intensely than men, although they can withstand higher levels of pain (childbirth).

So what can we draw from this article? Most importantly the fact that men and women are completely different. This is actually funny when you think about it because we can’t live without each other. Couples are essentially a better human being. Because both the male and female perspectives are shared regarding any life situation, life as a couple should be genuinely easier than single life.

What can you do with this sort of information? Men love women that they can connect to, although we may never reach the same level of communication, by vocalizing your emotions more often you’ll have a higher chance of connecting with a man.
Also, by understanding what this article tried to explain (that we are incredibly different) you can change your perception on men and instead getting upset and saying “You don’t understand me!”…you can laugh inside and think to yourself, “Haha, you don’t have the ability to understand me, you primitive creature”.

If you want to get the full scoop behind the male mind and go way beyond what this article is teaching, I urge you to consider having a look at Mike Fiore’s presentation… it will blow you away! Click here to watch the video

7 Essential Things That Men Find Attractive About A Woman

We as men, love women, it’s in our blood. There are a lot of things that we find appealing in women but, it’s only natural that there are some things about women that we find even more attractive. Because men are simple creatures, certain things appeal to all of us, similar to how certain things about us men, appeal to you.

For example, no women on this earth will say that chivalry isn’t attractive. So, if you want to have that extra edge in front of other ladies, pay close attention to this article. These are simple things and it’s really easy to apply them in your everyday life. By knowing what a man finds attractive in a woman it will become easy for you to attract any man you like. Just make sure you don’t let the new
You see, men are very visual and simple creatures, for us, attraction and infatuation happens very quickly, we don’t need to know a lot about you in order to become attracted. Basically, it’s all down to your first impression.  It’s also true that in time, this changes and our appreciation for you will be at a much deeper level but for starters here are the things that catch our eyes:

1.       A cheerful woman
Nothing turns a man off more than a depressed and mean attitude. If you want to get that extra attention make sure you look cheerful because a flirty giggle and a cheerful attitude can quickly melt any man’s heart.
I agree that it’s not always easy to have such an attitude but if you can think about the happier side of life, all the time, this will happen naturally. It’s the same for you isn’t it? Would you date a guy that hates his life and is genuinely miserable? Probably not, so think about this next time you go out.
2.       A well dressed, good looking woman
Yes, we men are attracted by looks, you knew it, I said it and it’s the truth. But do not worry because this doesn’t mean you have to undergo plastic surgery…
Dressing well and looking good are things that you can immediately change. I’m not going to give any lessons on fashion as I’m probably not the right person to do so however, caring about what you put on and the way you apply some make-up can be detrimental when it comes to attracting men.
Just focus on dressing well and feeling good about yourself. If you feel good about how you look then the people around you will feel the same way. You don’t have to wear flashy color clothes or anything like that, just be confident, have well fitted clothes and use a little bit of perfume and you’ll be attracting some males in no time.
3.       A flirty woman
There’s nothing like a woman that can flirt back. We know that in order to attract a woman we have to flirt. Sadly, often times they don’t flirt back but…when they do…it’s absolutely amazing. Flirting back puts you in a very strong WOMANLY position, not only are getting in control but also you are acting like a woman. A womanly woman is absolutely infatuating for any man on this planet.
What do you need to do? Simple things like curling your lips or biting them slightly, raising your eyebrows when you make a smart remark, jiggling at our jokes, being genuinely interested in what we say – these sort of things. If you can’t yet master this subtle art, try looking at yourself in the mirror and exercise there. It may seem awkward at first but it will help you get the hand of things fairly quickly.
4.       Show us some skin
Now this isn’t a guide on how to be slutty however, that little bit of extra skin turns our heads in an instant. Too much skin is a cry for attention and men know it but if you play it subtle – It will work a lot better.
A shirt or a tee that ends just right around where your jeans start or a perfectly fitting top with a wider neck that shows a bit but yet needs a bit of craning to get a peep is just the perfect combination. We love those nearly-there peeks and it drives us crazy.
5.       A seductive voice
Again, this isn’t about changing your voice but using it correctly. There are little things in life that make the hair on a man’s back raise with excitement and a woman’s voice is one of them. Mastering the art of the seductive voice takes time so don’t focus on it too much.
Men are turned off by high pitched glass shattering squeals that most women use when they’re surprised or ecstatic with joy. A low and soft voice is obviously more attractive. Lucky for you, it’s actually not that hard to speak in a low, softer tone without seeming like you’re trying too hard. Exercise your new found talent on the phone but don’t blame me if the guy on the other line starts to get flirty.
6.       A Damsel In Distress
Maybe the term damsel in distress is too much for this but you get the idea, a woman in need. This may actually be a man’s dream, to help out a woman in need…as it gives them the perfect opportunity to be A MAN in front of you.
Men love to feel wanted and then appreciated by women. You might think that men hate doing errands and stuff like that but we hate it only when we’re in a long term relationship. At the beginning, we are at your disposal so use us in any way you want. So, if you know a single guy, go up to him with a smile on your face and ask him to help you with something, chances are he’ll jump to your help immediately.
We love women that ask for our help, it just makes us feel manlier and it gives us the opportunity to have a conversation with you. And when you thank us with a flirty smile, there’s a good chance we’ll do anything to get your number.
7.       A woman who acknowledges a man’s stare
This is the first step in seduction and probably the most important. You need to have the ability to acknowledge our stares. Sure, some guys have a lot of guts and approach you instantly but most guys don’t have this type of attitude and you need to give them at least the slightest reason to react.
Many guys will try to get your attention by giving a manly stare. React to this by looking back at them. You don’t even have to smile (sure if you do, you give them even more reasons to approach you) but even just acknowledging their look is enough. You don’t need to do this with every guy that looks at you, but if he seems decent enough, do it.
Also, you don’t need to marry him or have his babies but this will give you the chance meet a guy, you can decide later if he’s your type or not …if no guy comes to you in any given night, how will you ever find a guy this way? This simple acknowledgement of a stare is the most important thing you can do if you want to get a guy to notice you and come in for the approach.
In conclusion, now that you have this knowledge make sure you use it wisely. There are a lot of women out there that just scream for attention, don’t be that woman because we men, hate her. Attract us but show us that you’re different when we approach you, this is how long term relationships are built.



Christmas is here again and the celebrations have kicked off all over. If you are thinking of messages to send your partner, I have got 6 of the best Christmas messages.
Below are the messages that would put a smile on the face of your partner

1. You are the gift I ask Santa for every Christmas. Merry Christmas to the one I love.

2. Having you as my lover makes me feel as if it is Christmas all year round. The warmth and comfort that comes with this season reminds me of you.

3. Feelings are many but words are few. Clouds are dark but the sky is blue. Love is a paper, life is glue. Everything is false, only my love is true. Merry Christmas.

4. This is the season for bright lights and shiny packages. It is a time for sharing love and being together. It is a time for wishing you all the best.

5. Time to celebrate the birth of the only one who could love you more than me. Merry Christmas to you my darling.

6. Why do I need Christmas presents when I already have you? Merry Christmas to the most beautiful angel on earth. I love you.



While some ladies treat being single as normal, others hate it when they are single; they just get too frustrated when they are single. For all the single ladies out there, I have got 5 things you need to know
It’s so easy to get frustrated and worry too much if you are a single woman who is in her 30s. The pressure from friends and family can just be too much to handle. As a single woman, you need to understand it’s your life and you shouldn’t live it for others. No one should control your relationships for you; you alone should be in control.
If you ask those that have gone through divorce, they would tell you it’s much easier ending a relationship than ending a marriage. You go through a lot when you end a marriage and because you are now single after your last relationship failed doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world for you.
You should understand that because your best friend is in a relationship doesn’t mean they are happy in that relationship. Some people endure being in an unhealthy relationship because they are scared of being single. You should get so frustrated and end up with a person you don’t love.
You should enjoy being single because you won’t be restricted from doing whatever you want to do. Instead of worrying about being single, I think you should instead live life and be happy. Learn new skills, make new friends etc.
When you are single it’s important you use that time to re-evaluate why your previous relationship came to an end and try to make yourself a better person. Maybe you are someone who gets angry easily, you should use that time to work on yourself and you never know, your ideal man could just be around the corner.
Being single isn’t the end of the world.



Before now, men believed in marriage. More men understood the significance of the union, and what it means to have a person in your life with whom you can share your life, and raise a family with; but today, the story isn’t quite the same. More men are running away from marriage, and it’s alarming. Rather than get married, more men want to live the single life longer than is acceptable.
So what is really responsible for this growing new trend? Well, here’s what I think…

A lot of men feel like getting married means they’re no longer in control of their lives. They believe that once you get married, you’ll have to submit to the whims of your ‘tyrannical bride’ in order to keep the marriage a happy one. So, In order to avoid this ‘loss of freedom’, they avoid marriage all together. They’d rather not marry in order to be able to come and go as they please, hang out at the clubs, engage in their hobbies, and just live their life the way they desire without having to be responsible to another person, but this thought pattern is only a result of immaturity and the lack of understanding of marriage because it doesn’t have to be like this. The only way this can be a reality is if you marry the wrong person—the kind of person that wants you to fit into their box instead of appreciating you for the person you are. More men need to understand that marriage isn’t a death sentence on their lives, but an opportunity to share it with a wonderful person if they do the right thing and select the right mate for them.
I’ve heard some men say they don’t want to give up their lives, friends, and social life in exchange for their bride and family. You might think I’m kidding, but I’m serious. They act as if there is no way their new life of marriage can co-exist with their friends, but that isn’t true. Marriage and personal life can coexist…you just need to find a balance.
You must be aware that there are men who believe all the stereotypes of marriage and want nothing to do with them. They are certain their wife is going to ‘nag them to death’ about any and everything. The wife is going to transform into a sexless being that is all about money, the kids, and whine. She is going to become a strict task master who only wants to see her own wishes done, and nothing more.
This belief is funny, because clearly, men who think like this are getting their information from non-married people or unhappily married men. These stereotypes are wrong and off base (depending on who you marry). I think it is most important to select the right person to marry and if you do, then you will live a wonderful married life. If not, you could become one of these bitter men walking around perpetuating these marriage stereotypes
This is true, most men have a classic fear of commitment; you know, that type most people talk about when it comes to marriage. Being with one person is something that seems unnatural to most men. They are afraid to be vulnerable and completely give themselves up for another person in addition to all the horror stories they are told about marriage.
I think this fear is a natural feeling all people experience. However, I think marriage can be an amazing experience if you’re with the right person. Of course, there’ll be rough patches, but being with the right person makes it all worth it. I don’t think there’s anything like coming home to that one person that knows you best and has a big smile on her face because she has been wanting to see you all day.
Women tend to dream about the fairy tale wedding, but men think about the nightmarish wedding expense(s). This is very true; men really don’t dream about the wedding day. It is all an expense to them. Besides, how many people do you know who have spent huge money on their wedding day and ended up divorced? TOO MANY! Men think about this constantly and find it to be foolish, but will do it if their bride insists.

Bottom line is; marriage is a beautiful thing. Life is worth sharing with a special person, and marriage offers you a platform to have that for the longer term. There’s nothing scary about marriage. Guys, find your special someone, get married, have kids, and grow old together!

And oh…Compliments of the season to all of you, our esteemed readers.

Jose Mourinho happy with Chelsea performance


Jose Mourinho has said that is is happy with Chelsea’s performance in their 2-0 win over West Ham United earlier this afternoon.
John Terry and Diego Costa scored the goals to keep the Stamford Bridge side clear at the top of the Premier League table.
The manager told Sky Sports News: “We played a very good game against a very difficult opponent. When we scored we had the game always under control. In the last part of the game they had a fantastic action by Morgan Amalfitano, it was a little lucky for us but I am happy with the way we played against a very difficult defensive side.
“We coped very well with the direct football and dealt with a difficult player like Andy Carroll. The team is stable. The bench is good so when I bring players on they give me what the team needs at that time. I am really happy. We are doing very well.”
Chelsea travel to Southampton on Sunday.

Source: Sportsmole.co.uk

Angel di Maria suffers new injury but four stars set to return against Tottenham


Manchester United were forced to face Newcastle without Angel Di Maria on Boxing Day after the Argentine was injured in training.
United said on their website that their record signing was injured during a Christmas Eve training session and Louis van Gaal confirmed the news ahead of kick-off.
“Di Maria has injured himself at the last training session,” Van Gaal said.
The Argentine only returned from injury at Aston Villa on December 20 after sitting on the sidelines for three weeks with a hamstring problem.
But Van Gaal has been handed a boost ahead of his trip to White Hart Lane on December 28 as Ander Herrera, Marouane Fellaini, Marcos Rojo and Luke Shaw prepare to return to first-team action before the New Year.
Daley Blind is expected back for the second gameweek in 2015 but no return date has been set for Di Maria, who hasn’t played a full 90 minutes in the league for United since victory over Arsenal in late November.
Source:  Standard.co.uk

Burnley 0-1 Liverpool: Raheem Sterling fires Liverpool to win


Raheem Sterling scored the only goal of the match as Liverpool secured a 1-0 win over Burnley at Turf Moor in the Premier League this afternoon.
Raheem Sterling was on target early on, but the midfielder had been flagged for offside well before he got his shot away, ruling out the finish.
The home side had a decent chance early on when Danny Ings was left with time and space in the box, but the striker’s finish was kept out by the post.
Brendan Rodgers was forced to make an early change when Brad Jones aggravated a knock that he had picked up in the warmup, forcing the manager to bring on Simon Mignolet.
Liverpool started to dominate possession as the first half progressed, but Adam Lallana could not beat the keeper after being set up by a Steven Gerrard through-ball.
Scott Arfield came close just before half time, but the striker’s powerful finish was blocked by Lucas, who was back to help Mignolet.
Liverpool continued to see more of the ball at the start of the second half, but created few chances against Sean Dyche’s men.
The visitors eventually broke the deadlock though when Philippe Coutinho launched a high ball forward for Sterling, who rounded the keeper before tapping in.
Mignolet came under pressure as Burnley attempted to get back on level terms, but Kieran Trippier’s cross was headed into the side-netting by Michael Keane.
Rickie Lambert though that he had put the win beyond doubt when he chipped in from a cross, but the substitute was a yard offside as the ball was played in.
Ings came close down the other end a few moments later with a rare second-half chance for the hosts, but he was unable to force a save from Mignolet.

Source: Sportsmole

Manchester United 3-1 Newcastle: Wayne Rooney brace guides the Red Devils to victory


A brace from Wayne Rooney and a strike from Robin van Persie has guided Manchester United to a comfortable 3-1 win over Newcastle United in their Boxing Day match at Old Trafford.
The Magpies had a good chance to open the scoring the 12th minute as Adam Armstrong beat his man down the right and crossed in for the unmarked Ayoze Perez, but the striker missed ball completely with an attempted volley.
Newcastle had a great shout for a penalty turned down by referee Mike Jones as Juan Mata appeared to clip the legs of Yoan Gouffran as he raided into the box in a surging move.
The Red Devils immediately pressed at the opposite end as Van Persie was released by a ball over the top of the Newcastle defence. The striker rounded Jak Alnwick, but his strike from a tight ankle hit the side netting.
Daryl Janmaat came close to firing his side into the lead with a powerful drive from the edge of the area, but his strike was well saved by David de Gea.
The Spaniard’s stop proved to be crucial as United went ahead in the 23 minute as Mata picked out the run of Radamel Falcao over the top and the forward did extremely well to slide the ball back to Rooney, who was left with a simple tap in.
United doubled their lead as Rooney notched his second goal of the game when he latched onto a through ball from Juan Mata and slotted the ball past Alnwick into the bottom corner.
In the second half, Louis van Gaal’s side put the game out of Newcastle’s reach with their third goal as Rooney lifted a pinpoint cross into the box for the head of Van Persie, who found the bottom corner.
The Red Devils came close to adding a fourth goal when they were awarded a free kick right on the edge of the box. Rooney lifted the ball over the top of the wall, but his strike had just too much power and skimmed the roof of the net.
Perez came close to getting a goal back for his side when he raided down the right and cut inside into the box, but his strike towards the near post was saved by the feet of De Gea.

Newcastle were handed the chance to score a consolation goal when they were awarded a penalty late in the game, which was converted by Papiss Cisse as he found the top corner from the spot.

WBA 1-3 Man City: Impressive first half sees Manchester City coast to victory


Manchester City have stayed hot on the heels of Chelsea at the top of the Premier League with a comfortable 3-1 victory at West Bromwich Albion this afternoon.

All three City goals came in the first half as the Premier League champions coasted through the final 45 minutes despite a late consolation for the hosts.
Ben Foster gifted Man City the lead inside the first 10 minutes as he dropped a cross at the feet of Fernando, who lifted the ball over the prone goalkeeper before rifling home from close range.

Four minutes after Man City had gone a goal ahead, Yaya Toure made it 2-0 from the spot after Joleon Lescott clumsily brought down David Silva inside the area.
10 minutes before the break, Silva put the game beyond the reach of West Brom with a curling finish inside the far post with City’s superior quality shining through once more.
After the break, the Baggies showed more attacking intent, but that in turn allowed City more space on the counter attack and Navas sent a low shot across the face of goal in the 52nd minute that rolled just wide.
West Brom had chances of their own though, and Silvestre Varela volleyed wide before James Morrison saw his 18-yard strike tipped behind by a sprawling Hart.
Lescott should have made amends for conceding a penalty against his former side, but the central defender headed over from Chris Brunt’s 74th-minute corner.
Brown Ideye grabbed a late consolation for the Baggies with his first Premier League goal in the 86th minute as he bundled the ball home after Hart dropped a routine catch, but City held on to stay within three points of Chelsea.

Source: Sportsmole

Arsenal 2 – 1 QPR : Olivier Giroud sees red as Sanchez drags Gunners to thrilling victory


Ten-man Arsenal have held on to see off Queens Park Rangers 2-1 at the Emirates Stadium to get their top-four hopes back on track.
It looked like the home side were going to take an early lead when Arsenal won a penalty less than 10 minutes in after Alexis Sanchez was brought down by Armand Traore.
However, Sanchez’s spot kick lacked power, leaving Rob Green with a comfortable stop to his left, keeping the sides level.
The Gunners got a free kick from a dangerous position with just under half an hour gone, but Green once more got across to palm Olivier Giroud’s curling effort clear.
QPR started to see more of the ball as the half progressed, but the hosts broke the deadlock shortly before the break when Kieran Gibbs crossed the ball in for Sanchez to head past Green.
Steve Caulker almost got the visitors, who have no points away from home so far this season, back on level terms, but his header was just wide after he fought his way past Per Mertesacker.
QPR were given a real route back into the game less than 10 minutes after the restart when Giroud was shown a straight red card after reacting angrily to Nedum Onuoha’s challenge, leaving the referee who was situated just a yard away from the incident with little choice.
Buoyed by the additional man, the R’s pushed for an equaliser, although having made a decent shooting position substitute Junior Hoilett saw his effort end closer to the corner flag than the back of the net.
Arsenal managed to dig in and add a second goal shortly after to give themselves some breathing space, with Tomas Rosicky’s deflected shot getting the better of Green following some fine individual play by Sanchez.
Danny Welbeck could have made certain of the points when the ball was cut back to him 20 minutes from time, only for his effort to end down the throat of Green who kept it out.
For the second time in the evening Harry Redknapp’s side were given a glimmer of hope when awarded a penalty following Mathieu Debuchy’s challenge on Hoilett inside the box, although replays showed that the Frenchman won the ball cleanly.
Charlie Austin tucked away the spot kick for his 10th goal in nine outings for Rangers, and that led to a late bombardment from the visitors.
Niko Kranjcar saw his effort fly over the bar, before Mauricio Isla saw his goalbound header blocked away by Mathieu Flamini as the clock ticked down.
There could have been a dramatic twist in added on time as Bobby Zamora went down under the challenge of Gibbs, although the referee waved away appeals with the Gunners seeing out the remaining time.

Source: Sportsmole.co.uk

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