Life is short, so why waste it living like you have got eternity to live? It’s important as humans we live knowing we have this one chance to make the best out of life because the moment death calls, its all over.
I found these amazing tips I would love to share with you about getting the best out of life. Check them out below
1. PROCRASTINATION: why push till tomorrow what you can do today? You have got to understand someday is not a day of the week so you should do it today and don’t procrastinate. Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.
2. NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF: I just don’t get why you should doubt yourself, that’s something you should never do. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.
3. PEOPLE PLEASING: you need to stop trying to live your life pleasing others. If you are busy pleasing everyone, you are not being true to yourself. You have to realise in trying to please all, you would end up pleasing no one.
4. NEGATIVE THINKING: Negative thoughts would help you achieve big things. Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success so if you want to be successful, you should think positive
5. FEAR OF SUCCESS: ironically for many people, the fear of success is much bigger than the fear of failure. Even though success could be more frightening than failure sometimes, but you have to overcome that fear. Sometimes these fears come up due to living up to the parental expectations, the slot that you were put in, and your place in the family constellation.
6. FEAR OF FAILURE: most people live life with that fear that they might never “make it” doing what they are passionate about and that they would never succeed if they try something new. Life is just too short to let it make big decisions for you. You have to realise it is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
7. NEGATIVE SELF TALK: When you talk negatively about yourself, you put a limit to what you can achieve in life and the worst thing one can do to oneself is talk negatively about yourself.
8. CRITICIZING OTHERS: some people would never see something good in what others do or what they do themselves and that’s so wrong. If we had no faults we should not take so much pleasure in noting those of others
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