People have their dream cars, dream house, dream jobs and so many other things they dream of but not many times have we heard of a dream relationship.
Today is another segment of our Elcrema Sunday Love special which holds every two Sundays; a segment dedicated strictly to discussions about relationships as it affects everyone.
Today’s topic is slightly different as we have to search within our soul to provide an answer to this question.
I would be handling this with Drama; we would both share our views on what our dream relationship is—we would be delighted to know yours too.
First let’s read what Drama sees as a dream relationship
Everyone has a dream relationship. You know, that relationship you wanna have; your ideal relationship. Here’s mine…For starters, If I’m gonna be in a relationship with you must be decent-looking. I’m not saying you have to be as pretty as one of those Victoria’s secret models, but you must be good-looking, reason being that I wanna be able to introduce you to people, and be proud while at it. Again, you must be smart. I don’t wanna be in a relationship with a woman who cannot add value to me mentally. You must be mentally strong, and willing to assist me with some of the challenges I may face.
I wanna be in a relationship with a woman who breathes decorum. She knows how to talk to her man, and people around her. I want a relationship where there’s full understanding between myself and the woman because in the absence of it, there’s confusion, endless quarrelling. I want a relationship where there’s unbroken communication, where I’m able to pass my emotions across to her without any restrictions. A relationship devoid of nagging, cheating, deception, and disrespect.
In other words, my dream relationship is a ‘perfect relationship’. And of course, I know we don’t always get what we want, but one can only dream. Lol
I think we are in an era where many people have gotten their dream cars and houses but haven’t even got a taste of their dream relationship; in fact many have settled for a relationship where they can just endure because all hopes of having a dream relationship has been dashed away.
Back to the subject, my dream relationship isn’t delusional or living in the romance novels, the first thing that strikes me as a dream relationship is a relationship where understanding would thrive. Forget all the fanfare and public display of affection, if there is no understanding in that relationship then there is nothing to dream about such a relationship; in short, a lack of understanding would mean a catastrophic relationship.
Understanding to me is a relationship essential, through understanding you can build so many other things in the relationship and it wouldn’t just be a dream relationship to only you, others would even model their relationship after yours. Understanding is the secret of every successful relationship.
A dream relationship isn’t a relationship where I would just find a partner, it’s a relationship where I’d find love and in that love I’d find friendship, passion and a commitment to each other. All these traits would grow and blossom after understanding has been built in that relationship.
My dream relationship doesn’t have to appeal to the world; it’s my business and not the world’s business; as far as I find love and happiness in that relationship then that’s my dream relationship
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