It’s been an amazing 2014 and it’s time to start planning how we make 2015 a successful year. If you are a single lady, I have got 5 brilliants ideas that should make your New Year resolution list.
Below are 5 New Year resolutions every single lady should consider making:
1. YOU HAVE TO CONSIDER MAKING NEW FRIENDS: if you want to ensure you don’t end 2015 single again, you have to consider making new friends. You never know when you would meet the man of your dreams and when you make new friends, you increase your chances of meeting Mr. Right.
2. CONSIDER YOUR DATING STANDARDS: sometimes our dating standards as ladies are just unrealistic and I think it’s something you should consider looking into. A man doesn’t have to meet all of your standards; if he meets most, I think you should give him a chance.
3. GO OUT MORE: some ladies only go out when a man takes them out, it’s something you have to change in the New Year if you want to get hooked. When was the last time you went to the cinema alone to see a movie? Do this like that more. Attend weddings, dinner nights with yourself at a classy restaurant parties etc.
4. FORGET THE PAST: you have to let go of the past so you can move on. I understand the breakup was a painful one but the earlier you let go, the better your chances of getting hooked.
5. CONFIDENCE MATTERS: if you want to change your relationship status from ‘single’ to ‘in a relationship’, you have got to believe you are good enough for any man. If you don’t believe you are good enough for any man, no man would notice you. Confidence is contagious so you need to be more confident.
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