Christmas is here again and the celebrations have kicked off all over. If you are thinking of messages to send your partner, I have got 6 of the best Christmas messages.
Below are the messages that would put a smile on the face of your partner
1. You are the gift I ask Santa for every Christmas. Merry Christmas to the one I love.
2. Having you as my lover makes me feel as if it is Christmas all year round. The warmth and comfort that comes with this season reminds me of you.
3. Feelings are many but words are few. Clouds are dark but the sky is blue. Love is a paper, life is glue. Everything is false, only my love is true. Merry Christmas.
4. This is the season for bright lights and shiny packages. It is a time for sharing love and being together. It is a time for wishing you all the best.
5. Time to celebrate the birth of the only one who could love you more than me. Merry Christmas to you my darling.
6. Why do I need Christmas presents when I already have you? Merry Christmas to the most beautiful angel on earth. I love you.
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