Relationships are a typical example of the slogan—what you see isn’t always what you get. We all enter relationships to find love, happiness and solace, but sometimes, things go contrary to what we expect, and instead of happiness, sadness looms over the relationship, and breakup more often than not replaces solace.
Even the best of relationships have their little downside, meaning each relationship somehow has that trying time but overcoming those trying moments are what makes a relationship stronger.
Are you in a relationship where the fights seem to overshadow the love and arguments seem to overshadow understanding? What about that relationship where tension overshadows passion and resentment seems to be the new attraction?
The huge question is: when do you draw the line? How much should you hold back? Where do you go from there? How come yours seems never to get any better?
Then when you decide that it’s almost time and that the relationship is due, the love comes up, understanding looms over and passion reaches an unimaginable height, and then you’re thinking “my relationship has become better”, “I’m seeing changes in my partner”, “we are still in love”—not too long later, the hassle starts, the fights become even more intense and words are thrown that hurts even more than the weapons used in WorldWar2—it’s more like you took a step forward and two backwards.
This isn’t really a tale; every relationship has its fight and love moment but the balance between both is the difference between a successful and unsuccessful relationship. If you are in this situation where the relationship fights and troubles seem to overshadow the happy moments, you have two choices: work hard to repair your relationship or leave that relationship because the third option of staying in that relationship comes with its hazard; which choice would you make?
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