Should getting married to a person be the only reason why we enter a relationship with that person? Is it right to make marriage the ultimate goal?
This question will definitely divide opinions and it was in fact a topic of a heated debate between my pals the last time we hanged out.
Some argued if you are in a relationship where there is no potential for marriage, you are just wasting your time and they don’t see the need for such relationships. They argued that when we fall in love with someone, we hope to build a future with that special someone.
They also argued a relationship without the prospects of marriage is a waste of time as it’s only based on sex and nothing more.
The other group felt marriage shouldn’t be the reason why we date. They argued you could meet someone you want to have a relationship with but you both know you can’t get married. They argued because you can’t get married to someone shouldn’t stop you from sharing an intimate relationship with that person.
They also argued that there are people who don’t want to get married; should such people avoid relationships because they don’t want to get married?
We all know how such arguments end, no one really wins. LOL.
So what do you think about this subject, should marriage be the ultimate reason why we date someone?
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