Ferguson shooting: Michael Brown ruling denounced as 'unfair'...........Continue reading the main story

for the family of US teenager Michael Brown have denounced the process
that cleared the police officer who killed the 18-year-old as "unfair".
Attorney Benjamin Crump said the process was "broken" a day
after a grand jury opted not to send white police officer Darren Wilson
to trial. Mr Brown was killed on 9 August in Ferguson, Missouri, sparking unrest.
A police chief said violence that followed Monday's verdict was worse than any the St Louis suburb had seen.
More than 80 people were arrested amid riots across several areas of St Louis. Sixty-one of those arrests were in Ferguson, with charges including burglary and trespassing.
Benjamin Crump: "We could foresee what the outcome was going to be"
Mr Sharpton said the jury had "broken our hearts" but he vowed to continue "to fight for a new level of accountability of policing in this country".
'Michael Brown law' Violent protests were not in the spirit of Michael Brown, Mr Sharpton added, saying the young man would not "be remembered for the ashes of buildings burning in Ferguson".
Instead, he said Mr Brown's family would push for new legislation to protect citizens and support a "Michael Brown law" that required all police officers to wear body video cameras.

Local residents have been up since the early hours cleaning up the streets. Shopkeepers are boarding up shops. A small group of protesters is yelling at half a dozen police standing outside the department.
A group of residents is standing outside a beauty parlour which was looted last night. Its windows have been smashed in and they're hoping to stop anyone else coming in and looting.
"We're trying to come together and get past this", says Judy. Everyone's expecting more demonstrations tonight.
"They let our town burn," says Anastasia Knowles. "They sacrificed us for Clayton," she says referring to the choice to deploy the state national guard there and not in Ferguson.

Lawyers for the Brown family criticised the decision to call a grand jury rather than appointing a special prosecutor and accused state prosecutor Robert McCulloch of seeking to "discredit the victim".
"We could see what the outcome was going to be and that is what occurred last night," Mr Crump told reporters, adding: "This process is broken. This process should be indicted."
'Unacceptable violence' Missouri Governor Jay Nixon tried to head off further riots on Tuesday by ordering National Guard reinforcements to take to the streets of St Louis.
"The violence we saw in areas of Ferguson last night is unacceptable," Mr Nixon said in a statement. "That is why today I am meeting with leaders from the Guard and law enforcement to ensure the protection of lives and property."
Much of the debate since August has centred on whether Michael Brown was attempting to surrender to Darren Wilson when he was shot, but Mr McCulloch said physical evidence had contradicted some of the witness statements.
The jury was made up of 12 randomly picked citizens from the state of Missouri. At least nine votes were needed in order to issue an indictment.
Mr Brown's family could yet file a wrongful-death lawsuit against Mr Wilson, who is currently on paid leave.

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